Deep Foundation Pile Testing
Deep Foundation Pile Testing
Pile testing is a crucial step in ensuring the quality and stability of a foundation for any infrastructure or building. ALBATECH, specializes in providing both on-shore and off-shore pile testing services, including bi-directional static axial compressive load testing, high strain dynamic load testing, borehole caliper logging, cross hole sonic logging, low strain impact integrity testing, pile load testing, and thermal integrity profiling. Our comprehensive range of equipment and experienced team of factory-trained geologists and engineers make us a top provider of deep foundation testing in the UAE and throughout the GCC region. Our testing methods are widely used in the assessment of bearing capacity and structural integrity of deep foundations in major infrastructures, such as the Burj Khalifa, as well as for pre-construction test programs and quality control and assurance in pile borehole excavation. We offer prompt after-sales technical support, training, and services to ensure complete customer satisfaction.
Bi-Directional Static Axial Compressive Load Testing (ASTM D8169)
One of the types of testing we offer is bi-directional static axial compressive load testing (ASTM D8169). This low-cost method provides separate measurements of the pile side shear mobilized above the jack assembly and the pile end bearing, making it a valuable tool for accuracy and speed.
High Strain Dynamic Load Testing (ASTM D4945)
Another type of testing we offer is high strain dynamic load testing (ASTM D4945), which uses accelerometers and strain transducers attached to the foundation to assess bearing capacity and structural integrity. This test is performed during pre-construction programs, installation of production piles, or at the end of driving or restrike testing of impact driven piles.
Borehole Caliper Logging (ASTM D6167)
Borehole caliper logging (ASTM D6167) is a cost-effective tool for quality control and assurance of pile borehole excavation. This test provides continuous measurements of the size and shape along the depth of an excavated borehole.
Cross Hole Sonic Logging (ASTM D6760)
Cross hole sonic logging (ASTM D6760) is performed on concrete piles, barrettes, and panels to ensure that the foundation concrete is sound with no defects. This test involves lowering a pulse transmitter and a receiver into parallel tubes and analyzing data with the Cross Hole Analyzer.
Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing (ASTM D5882)
Low strain impact integrity testing (ASTM D5882) is a fast and efficient way to check the integrity and continuity of an installed pile foundation. This test involves striking the top of the pile with a special hammer and monitoring the response of the pile with an accelerometer.
Pile Load Testing (ASTM D1143)
Pile load testing (ASTM D1143) is a widely accepted test method for authoritative assessment of deep foundations. Our company provides fully or partially automated testing services for deep foundations load testing in compression, tension, and lateral axial load testing.
Thermal Integrity Profiler (ASTM D7949)
Finally, we offer thermal integrity profiler testing (ASTM D7949), which uses the heat generated by curing cement to assess the quality of drilled shafts and other types of piles. This test is also useful for quality control and shape evaluation of jet grouting, slurry walls, and diaphragm walls.